Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We are sometimes tempted to believe that commitment limits our opportunities. "If we lock ourselves into something, we won't be able to say yes to others. Our freedom will be limited!" Right? I think...WRONG!

Commitment opens up opportunities. You have to remember that "once in a lifetime" opportunities don't come to people who like to sit on their butt. Most of the time, when something new and fresh emerges, it happens right when you are in the middle of something. Right when you are diligently obeying God, giving it your all, refining your gifts, getting as much learning as you can, and building relationships God says, "Hey, how about this?"

So, COMMIT to something. Give it your best. Doesn't have to be your perfect scenario or dream job. Do your best to be deliberate, thoughtful, and spirit led, but don't let your fear of commitment, not having enough time, and being "tied down" be a barrier for you to experience the thrill of seeing what is on the other side of the mountain.

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