Friday, January 28, 2011

"This City is Yours" (Post from Mack at Elevation Church)

This City Is Yours is honestly pretty self explainitory… At Elevation Church, we – as you may have heard – are passionate about the city of Charlotte, NC. We have seen the Lord’s hand, moving us, pushing us, as a city and community, towards redemption and freedom. It’s amazing to be a part of His work.

But God doesn’t need us to accomplish His work… He’s on the move regardless of whether or not we are a part of it. The city of Charlotte is already His – He’s just allowing us to come walk by His side and see Him work.

The choruses are just a prayer for our hearts to be aligned with His – that we would hurt for the people in our lives that don’t know the goodness of His love.

One of the most exciting parts of the song to me is the bridge. When we were writing this song – at first we went for this super singable, repetitive lyric – but then we decided to take it into an entirely different direction. I wanted to use that bridge as a build of anticipation… The feeling we get when we know God is on the verge of doing something great, and we’re witnesses.

Ultimately, this song speaks to the heartbeat of Elevation Church. That people far from God will be filled with life in Christ. We just want to be a part of that vision.


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